Saturday, January 21, 2012

Green Juice Goodness

Green Juice

1 Head Romaine Lettuce, washed
1 Lemon, peeled
4 Green apples, halved

Place in juicer, then add juice to glass with ice. Drink! The lemon gives it a bit of tartness, the apples give it sweetness and the lettuce makes it taste very fresh. Delicioso!

After last weekend, when I baked a huge pan of homemade cinnamon rolls and then proceeded to eat all of them with only the help of my husband (see "Cinnamon This" at right and my soon-to-be-written autobiography, titled: "I'm Married So I'm Letting It All Go"), we decided to become health freaks. So I broke out the juicer from the pantry, and we hit the store to buy four heads of Romaine lettuce, a big bag of green apples and a bag of lemons.

For someone who once wouldn't eat anything other than beef and potatoes covered in a layer of ketchup, my husband has come a long way. He now guzzles green juice and can't get enough of it. Sure, I had to coax him into drinking it the first time a few years ago (and who can blame him - the color resembles liquid that could be leaking out of a garbage bag on the curb, after all), but after one sip, he was hooked. He describes it as looking like it should be something leaking out of a car, but he still finishes his glass every time.

Now making the juice does require a decent amount of clean up afterwards. Cleaning out the machine usually accounts for my using it a few times, then putting it in the pantry until I forget how long it takes to clean it again (usually a few months). I'm hoping to do better this time - because it really doesn't take that long. Like 15 minutes. Apparently I have a short attention span.

Next green recipe to make: Banana and Romaine Lettuce Smoothie...

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